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PhD Candidates on the Job Market

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Meghan Ballard

1. Dissertation Title: "Language Access in the Criminal Legal System: The Bureaucratic Interpretation, Organizational Construction, and Administrative Enforcement of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964"

2. Dissertation Committee: Mona Lynch (Chair), Bryan L. Sykes (Cornell University), Shauhin Talesh (UCI Law)

3. Research Interests: Law & Society, Access to Justice, Race & Justice, Civil Rights, Language Rights, Inequality/Social Stratification, Criminology, Research Methodology

4. CV: here

5. Website:

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Joanne DeCaro

1. Dissertation Title: Unnamed Wounds: Carceral Trauma and Wellness in Reentry

2. Dissertation Committee: Keramet Reiter (Chair), Christopher Seeds, Mona Lynch, Alyson K. Zalta, Roxanne Varzi

3. Research Interests: trauma and incarceration, life and long-term sentences, aging and death in prison, moral injury and moral emotions, trauma-informed care, healing spaces, social and psychological aspects of reentry, ethics of carceral research

4. CV: here

5. Website:

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Margaret Goldman

1. Dissertation Title: "Freeing Los Angeles: Un/forgotten Spaces and Abolitionist Education in the Carceral-Education Landscape"

2. Dissertation Committee: Nancy Rodriguez (Chair), Susan Coutin, Sabina Vaught (University of Pittsburgh, Education)

3. Research Interests: Schools and Prisons; Race, Gender and Carcerality; Juvenile Justice; Youth and Family Criminalization; Legal Decision-Making; Anti-Carceral Feminisms; Abolition; Critical Criminology; Community-Based Research

4. CV: here

5. Website

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Ekaterina Moiseeva

1. Dissertation Title: "The Legalization of Cannabis in California: A Critical View on Socio-Legal Change"

2. Dissertation Committee: Christopher Seeds (chair), Mona Lynch, Susan Coutin, Swethaa Ballakrishnen

3. Research Interests: Law & Society, Sociology of Law, Criminology, Economic Sociology, Sociology of Professions, Ethnography, Mixed Methods, Critical Studies, Drug Studies, Neoliberalism, Legal Profession, Legal Education

4. CV: here

5. Website:

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Anthony Triola

1. Dissertation Title: "Reasonably Unreasonable": Critically Engaging the Limits of Legal Rationality as it Relates to State Violence

2. Dissertation Committee: Sora Han (Chair), Keramet Reiter, Ana Muñiz

3. Research Interests: Critical Theory, Legal Reasonableness, State Sanctioned Violence, Police Culture, Criminological Theory

4. CVhere

5. Website: