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Research Organizations

Faculty and graduate students in the Department of Criminology, Law and Society are involved in various forms of research (centers, initiatives, labs)  in the School of Social Ecology which offer assistance on a variety of research projects and periodically host research events open to the public.

Center for Evidence-Based Corrections (CEBC)

In an effort to put science before politics when managing state correctional populations, the UC Irvine Center for Evidence-Based Corrections taps the research power of the University of California to evaluate juvenile and adult prison programs – including rehabilitation, parole and reentry programs – and provides information that helps corrections officials make policy decisions based on scientific evidence. Learn more...

Center for Organizational Research

The Center for Organizational Research (COR) facilitates research on new organizational forms and processes now taking shape in a variety of contexts. As the 21st century unfolds, we increasingly find organizing that diverges from traditional bureaucratic structures. Such possibilities can be found in global teams, web-based collaboration, network structures, collective threats to security and privacy, micro enterprises, international non-governmental organizations, and alliances across private, public, and non-profit fields. These developments raise opportunities for alternative modes of decision-making, just as they present challenges for accountability and efficacy. They also raise questions about how existing distributions of power both constrain and enable organizational experimentation. COR contributes to the development of organization theory by connecting scholars from many disciplines, who bring their knowledge and methods to a common understanding of these issues.  Learn more...

Center for Psychology and Law

The Center for Psychology and Law at the University of California, Irvine, is a focal point for research that links the fields of psychology and law. The Center brings together faculty, graduate students, and members of the legal community who are interested in such issues as the interpretation of scientific evidence, protection of child witnesses, the accuracy of human memory, assessment and treatment of juvenile offenders, and the role of human factors in miscarriages of justice.  Learn more...

Center in Law, Society and Culture (CLSC)

The Center in Law, Society and Culture brings together UC Irvine faculty and graduate students who share interests in law, society and culture (defined broadly). Issues of interest to center affiliates include race; law and justice; law and literature; critical legal theory; legal consciousness; law and space; legal philosophy, culture and policing; the interaction of local and international legal cultures; globalization; migration; knowledge production; law, science and society; and law and history. Learn more...

Irvine Laboratory for the Study of Space and Crime (ILSSC)

ILSSC is dedicated to researching the social ecology of crime at all levels of analysis, including street segments, blocks, neighborhoods, cities, counties, and metropolitan areas. Learn more...

Metropolitan Futures Initiative (MFI)

The Metropolitan Futures Initiative aims to develop an improved understanding of communities and their potential for integrative and collaborative planning and action to ensure a bright future for the region. It approaches these goals by bringing together an interdisciplinary research team along with the insights and techniques of "big data" research. By combining various large longitudinal and spatial data sources and then employing cutting edge statistical analyses, the goal is to come to a better understanding of how the various dimensions of the social ecology of a region move together to produce the outcomes observed within our neighborhoods. Learn more...

The Newkirk Center for Science and Society

The Newkirk Center for Science and Society was established in May 2001, with a generous endowment provided by Martha and James Newkirk, frequent benefactors to the University of California. The Center's goals are to improve science's response to community needs and to increase the effective uses of scientific results for the benefit of society. Learn more...

The UCI Law and Ethnography Lab

The UCI Law and Ethnography Lab is an interdisciplinary collaborative working group of scholars engaged in research, including  law and policy, incarceration, institutions, and immigration. A variety of ethnographic methodologies and perspectives, such as participant observation, interviews, activist and decolonial approaches, oral histories, and archives and mapping are used. Research focuses on institutional processes, categorization, place-making and identification. Learn more...