Graduate Emphasis in Race and Justice Studies

Graduate Emphasis in Race and Justice Studies

Students from any UCI state-supported graduate or professional program, including J.D., M.A. and M.F.A. students, are eligible to apply to the Emphasis in Race and Justice Studies, housed in the Department of Criminology, Law and Society. The Emphasis in Race and Justice Studies is comprised of three interconnected components that promote inclusive excellence: 1) a mentorship proseminar; 2) interdisciplinary coursework and writing that emphasizes cross-departmental interests and perspectives on critical studies of race, crime and law; and 3) engagement with diverse audiences through traditional and innovative forms of research presentation.

Students may apply for admission into the Emphasis upon completion of the mentorship proseminar. Admitted students who satisfactorily complete the Emphasis requirements will be awarded a letter signed by the Graduate Advisor noting that Race and Justice Studies have been incoporated into their research and professional activities. Each student will be assigned one peer and one faculty mentor to discuss his or her ongoing research and the value of inclusive excellence.



  • CRM/LAW C260A-B-C: A  mentorship proseminar, consisting of nine workshops, discussions, and presentations, offered over three quarters by select faculty from across campus with experience negotiating policies and conducting research with high impact on fostering inclusive excellence. Students will receive a grade for this proseminar in the Spring Quarter.
  • CRM/LAW C262: One Race and Justice Studies-approved course offered under the supervision of the Emphasis.
  • CRM/LAW C261/HUM 261/SSCI 253K: A writing seminar in which a paper developed through Race and Justice Studies coursework and programming will be workshopped and revised toward publication.
  • A public presentation which translates a student's Race and Justice Studies-influenced research for an interdisciplinary audience and which can include (but is not limited to) interests found through professional associate conferences, small symposia and colloquia, social media publications, community-based collaborations, program and policy consultations, and artistic or alternative media formats.



The following is needed to apply for admission:

  1. Satisfactory completion of the mentorship proseminar;
  2. A brief statement of interest;
  3. An unofficial transcript;
  4. One faculty reference letter that speaks to the student's capabilities;
  5. Endorsement of the student's application by the student's advisor. (The student's advisor may also be providing the reference letter.)


Petition for Formal Letter of Completion

A transcript showing satisfactory completion of coursework, a writing seminar paper, and a one-page report of the public presentation is required for the petition for the formal letter of completion.

Upon approval by the Director, students may use prior coursework to satisfy one of the requirements of the Emphasis.


Please contact Professor Ana Muñiz by email at