Ph.D. student Rylan Simpson wins Dean's Award for Community Engagement

Ph.D. student Rylan Simpson, pictured with Chief Mike Hamel from the Irvine P.D., received the Dean's Award for Community Engagement from the School of Social Ecology for his work with the policing community.

Simpson has worked in partnership with the Irvine Police Department (IPD) since commencing his doctoral studies in 2014. As part of his experiment, titled the Police Officer Perception Project, Rylan collaborated with the IPD to produce hundreds of photographs of police officers in various capacities in order to evaluate the effects of police aesthetics on perceptions of officers. Rylan has since presented the results from this experiment (and others) for the IPD and related audiences across North America. "We're proud partners in research: working together to enhance public-police relations and advance best policing practices," said Rylan.

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