Kubrin recognized for mentorship

Professor Charis Kubrin


Professor of criminology, law and society receives Social Ecology Honors Program Mentorship Award

Charis E. Kubrin, professor of criminology, law and society, has been named this year’s recipient of the School of Social Ecology's Honors Program Faculty Mentorship Award.

“Dr. Kubrin’s support through my academic journey was incredibly amazing and inspiring,” said Mary Scully, who earned her B.A. in criminology, law and society and political science last summer and now is a criminology, law and society graduate student. “She taught me the ways of academic research by allowing me to work as a research assistant and mentoring me during my honors project. She was always there to give advice, feedback, and knowledge to help me thrive academically. Her support was so meaningful and allowed me to accomplish things I never thought  I would.”

Scully “was among the few Honors students this past year to conduct primary research, an ambitious undertaking compounded by the unique and uncertain challenges of Covid,” Amy Dent, director of the school’s honors program, wrote to Kubrin in her award announcement. “She often shared how your support enabled critical progress on her project, and your visible presence in the program (e.g., through regular meetings with Mary and attending her symposium presentation) was particularly important during a year when many students felt disconnected from our academic community. Your contributions to it speak for themselves, but we're thrilled to amplify the transformative role you've played in the academic trajectory of Mary Scully through inspiring and mentoring her.”

Kubrin said it was an “absolute pleasure working with Mary last year, even under the least ideal conditions. She's so impressive and I know will go out into the world and represent UCI well.”

Kubrin is the second recipient of the Mentorship Award. Alyson Zalta, assistant professor of psychological science was the inaugural recipient of the award last year.
