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Community Engagement Committee's Solitary Confinement Book Drive

collection fo books

As more incarcerated people are being quarantined in solitary confinement due to the massive COVID-19 spread devastating prisons nation-wide, the availability of books for them to keep their minds occupied has dwindled significantly. CLS’s graduate student Community Engagement Committee, together with Sara Brown’s nursing students in the UCI School of Nursing, organized a book drive for individuals being quarantined in solitary confinement at California's Donovan Correctional Facility. We successfully gathered boxes upon boxes of books, which our very own Gabe Rosales hand-delivered.

We are still collecting books to be delivered later this year to California correctional institutions. If you'd like to donate funds to purchase books, or donate new or gently used books for this cause please contact Marina Bell at and/or Meghan Ballard at
