Criminology, Law & Society Colloquium Series 2022 ~ Ana Flauzina

Ana Flauzina, Chancellors Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of California, Riverside
Monday, February 14, 2022 - 1:00pm to 2:30pm
via Zoom

Abstract: Facets of Anti-Black Genocide: Toward a Theory of Rape as the Condition explores how sexual violence forms a complex matrix of assault targeting Black communities in Brazil and the United States. In addition to being a historically durable method for brutalizing Black women's bodies, rape also constitutes a weapon in disarticulating Black communities en masse. That is, rape is materially responsible for the massacre of Black women’s bodies and is also a primary ideological-discursive weapon of anti-Black genocide. The research methodology accounts for the formulations of Black feminist scholars as well as the primary testimonies of  Black women survivors of sexual violence and terror. Facets of Anti-Black Genocide responds to a broad, diasporic demand for scholarship on anti-Black genocide that directly reflects Black women’s complex reflections on their bodily and spiritual exposure to gendered and sexualized terror

Bio: Ana Flauzina is a black activist and a legal scholar. She is currently  a Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellow at the Media and Cultural Studies Department at UC Riverside. Her publications include: "Corpo Negro Caído no chão: o sistema penal e o projeto genocida do Estado brasileiro" (Black Body on the ground: the penal system and the genocidal project of the Brazilian State) (2008) and "Utopias de Nós Desenhadas a Sós" (Utopias of Us) (2015). 

Photo of Ana Flauzina Ph.D., President’s Postdoctoral Fellow