New on the Bookshelf- Punishing Immigrants

October 2012

Just released by NYU Press, Punishing Immigrants - Policy, Politics and Injustice, identifies the hidden consequences of immigration policies and practices and develops a new paradigm for understanding marginalized immigrant populations. Editors include Charis E. Kubrin, Associate Professor of Criminology, Law and Society.  Additional contributors to the book include Susan Bibler Coutin, Professor of Criminology, Law and Society.

Book Summary:
While many cite the presumed criminality of illegal aliens as an excuse for ever-harsher immigration policies, it has in fact been well-established that immigrants commit less crime, and in

particular less violent crime, than the native-born and that their presence in communities is not associated with higher crime rates. Kubrin's book moves beyond debunking the presumed crime and immigration linkage, broadening the focus to encompass issues relevant to law and society, immigration and refugee policy, and victimization, as well as crime.

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